Seeds of Kindness: A Healing Touch

Nurse Red Heart’s Round-Up Addendum: Platelets and more

Medic Redheart by CombieTTW

Hey Everyone! We just wanted to make a quick follow up post to some initial feedback that we’ve had in Nurse RedHeart’s Round Up, so have this awesome art of Nurse herself and be sure check out the information below!

We’ve recently had a great question brought up, “Would donating platelets count towards the drive?” And the answer is, absolutely yes!

Donating Platelets (Or White Blood Cells) is a type of blood donation that only extracts one part of the blood you donate. When you donate normally, you give what is known as “whole” blood, (both your various blood cells and plasma), which is what is used in blood transfusions or other life-saving procedures. However, when you donate platelets, your blood is drawn through a needle to a centrifuge that separates the Platelets from your “whole blood.” The remaining blood product is the returned to your body through another needle connected to your other arm.

Just as with regular blood donations, you also must be at least 17 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds to qualify as a candidate. You also need to be sure that you are in good health to maximize the amount of Platelets that you can donate.

So instead of counting this a normal unit-based donation within the drive, we ask that you specify that you donated platelets on your post to Bronies for the Better so that we can start off a separate tally of that as well.

Now for a few responses to other common questions we’ve been getting:

 “Can I still be a part of the raffle if I am in Europe?”

Yes, you are also eligible for the raffle. Just be sure to follow the instructions on posting, and you shall be counted into the raffle!

“Will enlisting and working as a blood drive or site volunteer during the span of the NHH event make you eligible for the raffle?”  

Yes, but you will need to show us some sort of proof of this, such as a registration confirmation, or an account of your volunteering experience from a verifiable blood drive initiative in your community.

“Can I make multiple entries into the raffle if I donate and volunteer at a blood drive event in my community?”

No, even if you do both, we will only be allowing one entry per person.

That’s it for now everyone. Be sure to donate if you can and as always, take care!

Love and Solidarity,

Bronies for Good.

Category: Charity