Seeds of Kindness: A Healing Touch

Seeds of Kindness: A Healing Touch: Online Release Party and Fundraiser

Saturday, December 16, 2017
5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. EST
(10:30 p.m. – 12 a.m. UTC)

on PonyvilleFM 

Each year, Bronies for Good’s Seeds of Kindness albums  gather the pony community’s top music creators musicians, artists, and brony media organizers to kick off their charity drive with a bang.

In just a few days, our new album will be released. With 14 songs from various genres, A Healing Touch presents the united effort and dedication of many talented musicians in their hopes of making the world a better place.

Now, it’s your chance to help. The Seeds of Kindness fundraising projects have been an enormous success, raising over $200,000 for worthy causes over the past six years, and it’s all thanks to the altruism and generosity of you, the fandom.

Come join us in celebration as we kick off another fundraising season with our release party for Seeds of Kindness: A Healing Touch!

Stream and group chat enabled by Ponyville FM!

There will be an online fundraiser, accompanied by a stream of the album.

When you donate, you can download A Healing Touch, and all of Bronies for Good’s previous albums!

The Theme

This year, the theme of the album is healing.

It’s a tumultuous period in human history that we live in. In these hard times, we could all use a little bit of healing.

While there may not be any easy answers to our troubles or to the world’s, we can still reach out and extend a healing touch to those who need it most.

That’s what Seeds of Kindness is all about – lending a helping hand by connecting the fandom with charitable organizations that make every penny count.

The Charity
The Against Malaria Foundation is ranked as one of the most effective charities in the world.

They have a strong track record and a commitment to efficiency, program monitoring, and transparency.

Over 200 million people contract malaria every year, and many who survive are locked in poverty due to expensive treatments. It is a permanent catastrophe.
It is also easily preventable.

As malaria-infected mosquitoes mostly bite at night, it can be prevented with cheap, long-lasting insecticidal nets. As little as $3 buys a net that will protect two people for three to four years and contribute to the permanent elimination of the disease. The efficiency of this form of intervention has been thoroughly proven.

Category: Charity