Seeds of Kindness: A Healing Touch

A reminder and a few more things

So the development of this site has almost come to a close and we will be adding a few things here and there as ideas take us.


During September we organized the blood drive: Nurse Redheart’s Roundup, we had quiete a few participants which made us extremely happy and which unquestionably helped many people who depend on the donations. However, this event is still very open and anyone who can, can participate. We would also appreciate it if you would let us know about your participation by adding your name on a spreadsheet. This event also counts towards earning your own BfG button! All the nessecary information can be found under Projects -> Present on this website.


We have also started to elect “charities of the month” you can find these on the very top of the page. Donating more than $20 dollars to any charity will also help you on your way to earning a button from us (the details are on the Projects -> Present page)


And last update is: we now have our own Steam group! You can find it here:


That’s all from me for now, until next time.

Category: Development, News