Seeds of Kindness: A Healing Touch

Czequestria 2015

Czequestria 2015

Last year’s Czequestria was a life-changing experience for me. This year’s Czequestria will become a life-changing experience for hundreds of people who will be spared an infection with malaria.

This time the table was run mostly by Sara and me, but during the time that Ashley took over, supported by catra, they raised significant koruny too.

Again Stable-Tec Studios will contribute their complete profits to our invaluable cause. Thank you!

The total of almost €4,000 is enough to save about two lives in expectation and avert easily 300 times as many nonfatal cases of malaria that would’ve meant treatment costs and lost income for many of the poorest of the poor.


Czequestria and Your Siblings are transferring the donations we raised to the Against Malaria Foundation in several batches. Since all transfer that involve currency conversions to euro are complete, the counts below can now be viewed as authoritative.

Assuming that Czequestria had in the area of 260 attendees, this puts the contribution per attendee in the €15 area, roughly the same as at GalaCon. You rock!

Donations EUR CZK USD
Table Saturday € 270.00 Kč 12,536 $5
Table Sunday € 25.00 Kč 7,676 $ 95
Stable-Tec € 80.00 Kč 4,075 $ 0
Auction € 0.00 Kč 67,677 $ 0
€ 375.00 Kč 91,964 $ 100

Finally the counts after conversions. Here the Stable-Tec donation counts into our table donations. Additional fuzziness is the result of different conversion rates charged for different transfers, and with one transfer a bank fee that Jamis generously paid for privately with an offset.

Donations EUR CZK in EUR USD in EUR Sum (EUR)
Table € 375.00 € 898.52 € 87.81 € 1,361.33
Auction € 0.00 € 2,503.74 € 0 € 2,503.74
€ 375.00 € 3,402.26 € 87.81 € 3,865.07

Top Items at the Table

Bound Together 31
CMC button 16
Metal pin 15
EA Handbook 3
BfG button 8

We (especially Ashley) also distributed 66 of our charity guides.

Top Items in the Auction

Perry’s hat Kč 10,777
Fallout Equestria book Kč 4,500
Plush Discord signed by de Lancie Kč 4,200
Libussa sculpture Kč 4,000
CCG signed by de Lancie and St. Germain Kč 3,000

Czequestria and Bronies for Good History

Czequestria 2015 Czequestria 2014
Estimated attendance 260 260
Highest auction bids € 399 (Perry’s hat) € 162 (signed T-shirt)
Totals of auction € 2,486 € 1,657
Totals of direct donations € 1,561 € 346
Category: Charity